Get a small shop in a strategic location in any Nigerian city, and have a deal with a min of 5 bakeries to supply you with bread daily.
Add puff-puff, chicken/meat piles, egg rolls, shawarma, yoghurt, ice cream, minerals and coffee. A small provision for customers to sit & enjoy hot coffee or tea & bread will definitely add value.
This business requires low entry capital, and if you do it well, you may not become a millionaire overnight but you may never lack money to fulfil the basic needs of your immediate family.
Thank you for this piece of advice
Very good idea but the problem we have is that often time, we alway think big not knowing that's
always betterr to start small and grow over time
With the increase in rent and taxes, getting a shop is not easy(especially for someone without funding or capital)
Absolutely right but Nigerian graduates will not want to do that 😹, most of them wants office jobs.